The Super-Secret Page For Super-Awesome Fans

Hi everyone! Welcome to the super-secret page for super-awesome MMORPG Tycoon 2 fans, full of stuff to share!

Latest news: We’ve been greenlit! We finished up at rank 22 out of about 2400 games on Greenlight, which is a fantastic result! So now it’s just a matter of finishing up the game; I’m not sure how much I really ought to be updating this page any more, now that the Greenlight campaign is over. But if you’re here, welcome! :)

As always, thanks so much for your help in getting the news out; I absolutely couldn’t have come this far without your help!

The Greenlight Campaign:

The Greenlight Campaign (open in Steam): steam://url/CommunityFilePage/527174166

The game trailer on YouTube:

The press kit:

The announcement on Twitter:

hi-res logo

